Archive for the ‘Home’ Category

Dirt Devil KONE by Karim Rashid

Dirt Devil Kone Wait…you want to know what that thing is? Oh yeah. It’s a handheld vacuum cleaner! How cool is that?

Designed by Karim Rashid, this little piece of industrial art will make you want to clean constantly. That, or just look at the tool to do the cleaning.

It’s available here in 6 different colors from white to purple and will run you around $43.

Meeraboo-2007 ST-1 – Finally a legit place to store your pocket-junk

Meeraboo-2007 ST-1

So you come home late one evening and it’s pitch dark in your apartment…except for your glowing Meeraboo-2007 ST-1 (that you pronounce fully every time you talk about it). Thank goodness you’ve got this handy table/lamp.

The glowing orb underneath the table projects light through a hole in the table onto your ceiling to provide a small amount of light.

The orb itself is the perfect place to drop pocket-junk like your keys, watch, wallet, iPhone, etc etc.

I can’t imagine this table costing less than your right arm.

[via CubeMe]

Umine Healing Theater

Umine Healing Theater So you’ve had a long day at work. You packed your lunch for the first time in 5 years in an effort to help yourself lose weight and save money and Joe Schmoe in the cubicle next to you railed on you the entire day. You got ticked and punched him in the face and next thing you know…you’re fired.

Okay, so maybe you’re day didn’t quite go like that…but you get the point.

What you need to help “heal” yourself from a bad day is the Umine Healing Theater!

This gadget, measuring in at around 6x7x6 inches, projects waves of light on your ceiling along with soothing sounds of the ocean to help you relax. Set if for 30 minutes, rest your head on your pillow, and take a few deep breaths. You’ll be relaxed in no time.

It will be available in mid-August for around $85 at