Archive for the ‘Toys’ Category
This Ain’t Your Mother’s Big Wheel
But it could be if you get it for her for Mother’s Day!
Check out the Huffy Green Machine H2O Trike With Water Guns – the official pimped out version of the good ole Big Wheel! The water canon can shoot water over 20 feet – very cool!
Available from
Golfing Mario & Luigi
For those days at the office when you really do not want to work, try Golfing Mario & Luigi style.
This would be a great gift for Christmas because its a great price and definitely fun!
[Via Geek Alerts]
Paintball Tank – The Ultimate Man-Machine
Incredible. What do you get when you mix 2 of the manliest things on earth (paintball and tanks)? A war machine capable of decimating anything it’s 3.5 foot wide path.
For a mere $14,400 you can have one of these beastly machines that every man within 800 miles will immediately covet.
Each tank is built to your specifications and takes around 3 months to build. They’re produced in the UK and according to them can actually be driven on public streets!
You can spend your life savings on this paintballing machine here.
[via Born Rich]
Super Mario Bros Sound Effects Plush
Who can forget those familiar tunes of Super Mario Brothers? Now you don’t have to. These plush toys can keep those fun sound effects fresh in your mind.
The Koopa Trooper shell and the Question block both have a sound module inside of their soft shell. Just be careful to not give this to a child who likes to listen to the noise over and over again. It could easily get annoying!
Amazing wooden toys

Unfortunately my Japanese is a bit rough (read: I don’t know a lick of Japanese), but what I do know is that these wooden toys from take-g are amazing. I’ve really never seen such fun and playful woodwork executed so amazingly well.
If anyone has any information on where these could be purchased, please let me know.