Archive for the ‘Bathroom’ Category

Make your vote count with every flush

George Bush Toilet Paper

We figure that we’re certain to get some sh$t for this one, but we just couldn’t resist.  After all, we know that at least 70 percent of our American readers will love it!

(And whoever said we don’t spotlight any household staple items?)

George W Bush toilet paper is great for guest bathrooms … depending on who your guests are, that is.

Available from and other fine grocers.

Illuminated Sink


Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night and can’t see a thing? I’m not much of a night light kind of person, but this is a very cool and modern twist on the bathroom night light.

For $250 you too can have this ultra hip Illuminated Sink from Generate.

Mat Walk


Do you ever have a problem of having cold toesies when you get out of the shower? This bathmat can solve that problem. Slippers are built in to provide that extra warm fuzzie you need instead of the cold bathroom floor.

Be careful to not fall down while you are maneuvering with your feet in the slippers!

Bath Tub Chair

Chair Made from an old bath tub
It’s amazing what some people can do with something that might have been thrown out. Israeli design studio Reddish created a great piece of functional art out of an old bath tub.

I’m not sure how comfortable this would be, but it is so cool! Now if only there were a place for the rubber ducky……

[Via The Style Files]

Get Low: In-floor Bathtub

Emotion Tub

I generally think bathtubs are disgusting. But my feelings aside, this tub is just plain slick. Or rather, the installation of this tub is just plain slick.

Now obviously if you installed this thing in a main room in your home, you’d be weird. Really weird. But in the right setting, this really does just look fantastic.

The tub (just the tub, no installation), will run you $2,200.

[via Freshome]